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Vogárs will recommend the most appropriate promotional material for your brand or event, at the best price and reliable service.  We can access any existing item, or design and produce customized ones.   This includes tents, product displays, or anything you can think of.  Following some samples of our work for clients such as Heineken, Ballester Hermanos and Periódico Metro.  



JWT, a leading advertising agency in Puerto Rico, coordinated a Christmas promotion for their client Heineken.  They needed to produce over 100 full size pigs they designed, to place at different venues around the Island.  Vogárs experimented with different suppliers and materials and finally signed a workshop to produce them in fiberglass, a very durable, flexible and light material.  We also and printed the logo and lettering.  All these in two weeks. 

This resulted in one of the most successful and memorable Christmas promotion for Heineken, and an item that still is part of the decoration of many venues.  This is also an example of producing an non-existing custom promotional item locally.

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Metro is the largest free newspaper chain in the world, with presence in 24 countries and published in 17 different languages.  For their introduction in Puerto Rico, we produced the uniforms for the street handlers, bags and other promotional material.  Also, we designed and produced mobile stands. 

This project is an example of non-promotional materials designed and produced for particular purposes.  All manufactured locally.  

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Ballester Hermanos is one of the top wholesalers in Puerto Rico.  Vogárs designed and produced promotional and on-premise material for different brands.  This includes tents, bottle glorifiers, and indoor luminous signs, among other items.  

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Ballester Hermanos
Promotional Items
and Give Aways

We can produce all kind of promotional material and giveaways.  We have local and international suppliers from United Staes, China, Mexico, Colombia and others. 

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